Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Best Defense

Our members heard me say this many times before, I am a big proponent of preemptive attacks.  Offense is typically the best defense as it will stop any forth coming attack before it even starts.

Now, don't get me wrong. I am not saying you should go out there and punch anyone who stands in your way.  What I do say, is that when those little hairs in the back of your neck rise, there is a very good chance something is wrong.  And if you feel things are going south fast, striking first may mean the difference between ending a fight quickly or ending in a dragged out fight for your life.

Perfect examples may be when you are being moved from a primary crime scene to a secondary one. Or when surrounded by more than one person and delivering a message to one, typically the leader, would cease all hostilities from that point on.

How do you know when the moment is right though, or what the right kind of preemptive attack should be?  Well, on December 19, 2010 Masada Tactical will be hosting a unique seminar titled "Animal Day".  Animal Day is all about that preemptive strike, about how to read people, and how to win a fight at all cost.  Join us on December 19 for this event.  Call or email BK to register (, 410-415-6015)

Tzviel 'BK' Blankchtein
Masada Tactical, LLC

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