Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Workplace Safety

Active Shooters seem to get all the attention these days.  Further more, schools seem to be the ones that are highlighted as the main targets.

Reality is that active shooters have been around for ages (and before firearms, active threats were around using edged weapons and alike).  And although schools get our attention in terms of "emotional" targets, they are not the main areas of operations for these criminals by a long shot.

Think of recent months and you will recall events such as the Discovery Channel in DC, Johns Hopkins Hospital, and other workplaces like fertility clinics, churches, and office buildings, even police departments, had their share of gunmen running rampage through their hallways.

This blog is not meant to be an informative one as previous posts.  It is more to get people to share their thoughts about how safe (or not) is their workplace.  Do you have security present?  Do you have policies in place to deal with disgruntled employees?  Follow up on terminations of employment?  Are weapons banned at your workplace?  Are there background checks done to employees?  Is the area in which you work safe?  If you walk to your car, is it a safe process or do you need escort?

Let us know!  I will follow up on this post with some ideas on how to enhance your workplace safety next week.

Tzviel 'BK' Blankchtein
Masada Tactical, LLC


  1. I happen to be a community college in Maryland and I can assure that the public safety officers do not make me feel safe here at all. All they would do is call 911- they are not really able to intervene and do not carry any weapons or restraints either. On a positive note for them there is a deterrent factor just by the safety officers being there but, there have been some stick ups with knifes and on a rare occasion a gun even with the officers on campus. To the best of my knowledge, they are not trained for active /bomber/ chemical or biological threats.

  2. Working at Johns Hopkins a floor below where the shooting was I am more scared about what could happen than I was before, and more aware of all the weirdos I see walking around in the hospital. The security there pretty much sucks. They could definitely use your expertise!
