Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Why we don't let civilians into our Law-Enforcement Seminars?

First of all, because it is called a Law-Enforcement Only seminar, Duh!  But more importantly is because we want to keep these individuals safe.

It is not that we don't trust our civilian membership, and after all, when it comes to skills, our members and our LE students get the same stuff.  Even when it comes to tactical classes, our civilian membership receives training in shooting, and other tactical disciplines.  However, there are a few elements to being a peace officer that a) can not be duplicated by civilians in class and it will make for a confusing situation, and b) we leave a little "ace in the pocket" for these warriors that we do not want to share with anyone else.  Why you ask? well here's why:  We get countless documented videos and transcripts of the criminal element, which after all has nothing but time, training to overcome any skill practiced by police officers.  These criminals train in how to bypass the retention mechanisms on police holsters for example, they train on how to defeat handcuffs, how to avoid Tasers from being effective, and of course, how to counter any self-defense technique the officers train in.

It is inevitable that what we teach would end up on the streets.  Our members share their knowledge with friends and family, elements of our system end on YouTube, Facebook, and other online sources, and at some point we just lose that control we had over who can see and learn our skills.  Now don't get us wrong, we love the fact that you like what you learns and feel compelled to share it with others.  But while we reserve the right to run background checks on our members (per your contracts), we can not do it on every single person that you come in touch with.

So...there are a few things, in terms of skills and tactical applications, that we reserve for these urban warriors who protect us from the outcasts of society.

Tzviel 'BK' Blankchtein
Masada Tactical, LLC

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